Sunday, April 1, 2012

This is my jam

What would you do, when you just can’t get the latest chart topping song literally stuck in your head? Can you whine about it to your friends or your co workers? Of course you can. Launched last month, This is My Jam, gets subscribers to post their one must listen song of the moment to a public playlist. Some terms this as a novice child of Twitter and Pinterest. You can even post a picture and add in a few words on the song choice and post it on your Facebook and twitter profile to let your friends know exactly how “trendy” you are.
Mathew Ogle, the founder says “the objective is not to put in any favorite song, but to post the one song, you can’t get out of your head”. You can only one Jam at a time and this expires exactly after one week, which allows no cluttering on people’s timelines. Still early days, but the designers feel that unlike any music site, it won’t be about over sharing every track you listen to, but rather a way to contribute to a mini radio station run by your friends. At the moment the song list is dominated by electro remixes, indie rock bands rather than by any admission of guilt. The question really arises….do we need one more such sharing site on the web??

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