Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Visual marketing-Social media

Visual contents are fueling in the new trend on social media.
Sites like Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest have brought in visual marketing to try and break the trend in 2012.
Content used to be high on the priority list of social media marketers, but now it is slowly been taken over by a "picture".

The evolution seem to be the right step considering the earliest form of social networking were through a 1000-2000 word blogs, which got shifted to regular status updates on Facebook, This got even shorter through micro blogging on Twitter with just about few 100 characters. Then Pinterest came along and words no more mattered and it became PSTW--"Picture Speaks Thousand Words"

Part of this shift also comes from the technological or the ease of taking a picture on the go through a smartphone and uploading it, this definitely is easier than writing up a status update.

With the recent acquisition of Instagram by Facebook, it kind of shows how important visual based marketing is becoming important.

Volkswagen and Lisa Curry (Australian Swimmer) are the ones that come to my mind who are currently "deploying" this method successfully.

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