Monday, September 20, 2010

Instantified search on Google

Google has come out with its new feature called - "Instant " search.
many of us would have come across the recent feature whne one enters the search string into the Google search bar.
What it essentially does is to guess and display search results on a real time basis, thus resuting in obtaining the search result prior to completion of the full string and pressing the "enter" key.
There is no huge productivity boosting in this method, but can be fun to use.
One can also stop the instant search by prefixing a "+" , which would continously display the search term for each of your keystrokes.

Now that google has "instantified" the search, can other be far behind? -a replicated idea of youtube has been created which anticipated the , search string and automatically starts playing the video of your choice based on its guessing.
This particular application also fetched the developer a job offer from youtube.

Opinions are divide on the instatifying of search with one section mentioning it as a distration or a gimmick, while another section giving a thumbsup to this developement.
One thing is for sure....the way we search may not remain the same and the search behaviour of one would not remain the same.

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