Monday, September 2, 2013

Facebook copying Twitter?

The never innovate-never grow bug seems to have caught Facebook.
Facebook seems to be drawing inspiration from Twitter.Based on a report by WSJ, Facebook seems to be testing a Trending Topic section on the news feeds of certain users.
This appears on the top-right hand side of Facebook news feed. The purpose remains same as twitter—to show the most popular keywords that people are posting on Facebook.Just to give an example, if people are talking about the rise in The Rupee v/s The $, FB shall showcase a post by your friend accompanied by a text—Indian Rupee, 500 posts about that.

Keeping a separate section specifically just to let know of what is being talked about could help in getting this popular.Click and you get to see what the public is also talking about.
Readers would be aware of the recently introduced Hashtag feature on Facebook( there were some controversies around this when introduced in June) is the base on which this trending topic is being introduced.
Integrating both the posts and Hashtag would be in the making—however the catch is how FB is going to make this look different from Twitter.
--No tentative dates were announced either on this test being completely deployed, as this is being tested with limited users in the US---  

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